Hi there! My name’s Hannah. Some people call me Hannah Pod, some people call me Han. I even had an elementary school P.E. teacher in elementary call me iPod.
Nicknames aside, here is something I know to be true. I love this quote, by Frederick Buechner:
“Your vocation in life is where your greatest joy meets the world’s greatest need.”
Creativity is my joy. Public health is my passion. So, where do these worlds collide?
I've always believed that change is multi-sectorial. Change is stitched by the footprints of organizers and advocates, collaborators and facilitators, analysts and artists, all leading the way, together. I think magic happens when we emerge from our disciplinary silos. New life begins at the edge of the ecosystem.
I believe that the arts, communication, and design hold great power to orchestrate social change, by educating and motivating us to cultivate a more just, fair, and equitable nation and planet. Design can bring to life a research report, a narrative, or a new idea. Design can evoke empathy, understanding, awareness, and commitment to change.
My journey into interdisciplinary approaches began at Elon University, where I studied Public Health, Communication Design, and African and African-American Studies. Since then, I have worked at governmental, for-profit, and non-profit agencies, focusing on passion projects ranging from health disparities to interfaith community-building to education, through the lens of communications. I have had the opportunity to explore these inspiring intersections, and uncover how we can use our creative superpowers to leave this world a little bit better than we found it.
That is my aspiration as a communicator. My portfolio is my take on that very question: How can we use our creative superpowers to remedy our world?